Physiotherapie Küsnacht




Athletes naturally subject their musculoskeletal system to considerable strain, which increases the risk of injury. At the Physioarca Clinic in Küsnacht Goldbach, we carry out examinations and treatments to prevent injuries and injuries of a muscular or articular nature, to increase physical performance in sports and to relieve musculoskeletal pain.

Carrying out an osteopathic assessment before starting a sport or physical activity makes it possible to avoid injuries, since an assessment of the tissues and skeletal mobility allows the osteopath to identify any blocks of the skeletal type and guide the person to the most appropriate sport and recommend the most appropriate exercises to be performed during the physical activity.

For example, the parts of the body that are most stressed during sports:

  • Running causes an overload of the skeletal muscles in the lower limbs, pelvis and spine.
  • The NEW ensures a large involvement of the upper limbs.
  • When training, you need to pay special attention to the weights you lift – unsuitable or incorrectly performed exercises can lead to imbalances in our body.
  • CYCLISM and LONG-TERM TRAINING lead to an overload of the spine because it maintains an unnatural position for a long period of time.
  • GOLF through twisting and repetitive movements can lead to postural damage and dysfunction.
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